Thai pagosa

Thai & Asian food in Pagosa Springs

We offer Takeout


Your order will be confirmed in REAL-TIME

See MENU & Order

About Thai Pagosa

At Thai pagosa we offer meals of excellent quality and invite you to try our delicious food.

The key to our success is simple: providing quality consistent food that taste great every single time. We pride ourselves on serving our customers delicious genuine dishes like: Thai, Asian

Eat delicious food. Grab a drink. But most of all, relax! We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your continued support.

Today we are operating on a special schedule.
Opening hours:
04:30 PM - 07:45 PM
Pickup service:
04:30 PM - 07:45 PM

Opening hours

Monday - Saturday
11:30 AM - 02:00 PM
04:30 PM - 08:00 PM

!! Food Allergy Notice !!

Please be advised that food prepared here may contain these ingredients : milk, eggs, wheat, soybean, peanuts, tree nuts, fish and shellfish.

Please be aware that we use common fryer oil.

While we take extreme cautions to minimize the risk of cross contamination, there is always the possibility cross contamination may occur.

If you have a severe allergy to any allergen, please ensure you inform your waiter or waitress when ordering your meal so we can take extra precautions to reduce the chance of any cross contamination whilst preparing your food.

we cannot guarantee that any menu item can be completely free of allergens.

Social media

Facebook link for Thai Pagosa